time to work even harder

i cant believe that, such hao lian guy really exist in this world
not humble at all. -.-" total failure!

the conversation between me and him goes like this:

Him: You got anything to ask the lecturer?
Me: No. you got thing to ask?
Him: Nope. my Macroecons too zai already. dont need to ask.
Me: -.-" OH~ OKAY~
Him: I really think i very zai lor. you ask me any qns now i can answer you and i can be sure that i will be right. *with the hao lian face*
Me: okay.  *look at nicholas with the hopeless face, stand up and walk away*

if he sound jokingly i can still take it as a joke and joke with him lor.
BUT! why is he so not humble. tsk.

and. he will always ask me a question out of a sudden.
*didnt allow me any buffer time to think of the answer*
he will start telling me all his analysis, reasoning and answer -.-
the best part is. after hes done talking, he will ask me "you understand what i talking about?"/ "ni ming bai wo zai jiang se mo ma?"

ARGH. *roll eyes*

My new, new year resolution.


found the final exam timetable yesterday.
no papers on the same day! and its ending earlier than i expected! :D

May 3rd, 4th, 8th, 9th and 14th!

no paper on May 10th! :D
yipee! can celebrate baby's birthday peacefully + can rest for a day!
last paper will be accounts which is on the 14th! *double happiness*


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